Saturday, September 27, 2008

Terrible acne cure fast

« ...A different type of mask is one made of aspirin tablets, 6 to 8 of the uncoated type, it should be mixed with a little bit of water and honey to make a paste. This can then be applied to the face and when it is ready, which will be approximately 15 minutes, it will begin to crumble. When it is washed off, it is important to follow this with a mild face soap that will cleanse the face. The honey will help to soothe the face and clean the pores. Aspirin is good for unclogging the pores and clear up blemishes....
...After treatments, the skin will be red and possibly weepy for a few weeks. Sun block will be a necessity after treatments for at least six months....»
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«...Skin eruption communally known as acne, from this common condition suffers approximately 85% of people from 12-25 age range. Acne treatment products act against the cause of acne development e.g. limiting the production of sebum/oil and preventing acne lesions. The greasy skin is common known to be the most vulnerable skin type attacked by acne....»
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tags: does fresh aloe vera help acne scars, black acne spots on back, homemade recipes to stop acne

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